Alessandra Style

Velluto, tendenza Autunno Inverno 2017-2018

Il velluto, tessuto glamourous e sensuale, sarà di tendenza per la stagione autunno inverno 2017-2018. Ma se in passato il velluto è stato sinonimo di eleganza e raffinatezza, ora la sua anima viene reinterpretata in una chiave quotidiana, decisamente pop per un look casual chic ad alto effetto lussuoso o color block con colori decisi e strong! In particolare quest’anno vedremo molto abiti rossi di velluto.

Come indossare un abito rosso di velluto

Il rosso è il colore ideale per le donne che vogliono osare e tirare fuori la propria femminilità, sfoggiando un look grintoso, chic e sofisticato.

Tendenza Velvet

Dopo il 2017 sembra che la moda non possa più fare a meno del velluto e nemmeno le fashion victim o le influencer con i loro look street style che ormai dettano tendenza. Lo abbiamo visto in passerella rivisitato da tutti i brand con proposte molto eleganti e sofisticate. Dalle giacche e i cappotti dai tagli Anni 70 in velluto blu e broccato oro ai sontuosi abiti retro dalle nuance pastello come il rosa antico, il pesca o il caramello, fino al morbido velluto color senape abbinato a delicata seta. I colori dominanti sono i toni più cupi. Dal velvet nero, come l’abito indossato da Marion Cotillard sul red carpet alla prima di Allied a Madrid, al blu notte con inserti in oro e pelliccia come l’abito di Dita Von Teese alla serata di premiazione degli Evening Standard Theatre Awards a Londra,  fino al rosso marsala al viola e al verde bottiglia indossato da Cate Blanchett sul set di Ocean’s 8, spin-off al femminile di Ocean’s Elevendiretto da Gary Ross.

Difficile non farsi tentare anche dagli accessori, in particolar modo gli ankle boots.

Ho trovato delle interessanti proposte su Zaful:

Velvet, glamourous and sensual fabric, will be trendy for the fall winter season 2017-2018. But if in the past velvet has been synonymous with elegance and refinement, now its soul is reinterpreted in a daily key, definitely pop for a casual chic look with a luxurious high-impact or color-block with decisive and strong colors! In particular this year we will see a lot of red velvet dresses.

How to wear a velvet red dress
Red is the ideal color for women who want to dare and pull out their femininity, giving a gritty, chic and sophisticated look.
– You could wear a red velvet dress for a Sunday lunch with your friends. Décolleté in black and golden suede will instantly embellish the look that is shaky;
– You could wear a red velvet dress to be casual. Complete your outfit with a pair of black-heeled sandals;
– You could match a red velvet dress with a bordeaux velvet long dress to be trendy and seductive. Opt for a pair of black leather boots for a virile touch.

Velvet Trend
After 2017 it seems that fashion can no longer do without velvet and not even fashion victims or influencers with their street style looks that now dictate. We have seen it on the catwalk revamped by all the brands with very elegant and sophisticated proposals. From the jackets and coats from the 70s vintage blue cuts and gold brocade to the sumptuous pastel-colored dresses such as the ancient rose, the peach or caramel, to the soft velvet-colored velvet combined with delicate silk. The dominant colors are the dreary tones. From black velvet, like the dress worn by Marion Cotillard on the red carpet at Allied’s first in Madrid, the blue night with gold and fur inserts as Dita Von Teese’s dress at the Evening Standard Theater Awards awards ceremony in London , up to red marsala to purple and green bottle worn by Cate Blanchett on the set of Ocean’s 8, spin-off to the female of Ocean’s Highrise by Gary Ross.
It is difficult not to be tempted by accessories, especially ankle boots.
I found some interesting proposals on Zaful:

Half Button Crushed Velvet Mini Dress – Wine Red S


Accordion Pleat Velvet Skirt – Burgundy


Velvet Tee And Jogging Pants Sweat Suit – Purplish Red


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Velluto, tendenza Autunno Inverno 2017-2018

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